V/A - The Great Book of Sparkles: Volume 1 (Tape)


For her 25th birthday, Kathy Snuggz asked her friends and loved ones to make an audio, visual, or physical work, in lieu of gifts. She's compiled these pieces from local musicians/bands in "The Great Book of Sparkles: Volume I," an audio cassette to raise money for Bushwick Ayuda Mutua, a Brooklyn-based mutual aid organization. 


1. Dennnis - Headphone Jack (RIP)

2. meltin - courage song from me to you 

3. liv biggz - Elevator Music Pitch

4. Poetmistry - 3-8 OTK1MBM 544 

5. liv biggz - beach lullaby

6. SEX - digital wellbeing

7. liv biggz - right before the storm hits

8. Dennnis - Error (Send Crash Report?)

9. Sammy Le Fortin - Thriving in New York

10. Kath - Watery Deep