Sanguine Eagle - Shores of Avarice


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After years of ruminant toil, SANGUINE EAGLE unveil its twin debut full lengths, "Storm Mysticism" and "Shores of Avarice". SANGUINE EAGLE are black metal in its purest essence; trendless, unyielding, and played with absolute conviction. The compositions are marked as much by resolute, stoic, patience as by staggering violence, never pandering to the weakminded and eschewing any shred of the puerile amusement rife in a genre so pilfered by dilettantes.

Both workings were recorded during the same winter and serve as two distinct yet complimentary chapters in the tenebrous unfolding that is SANGUINE EAGLE. “Shores of Avarice” reveals the band taking their discipline to new, even more rapturous heights. An unfaltering and misanthropic vision emblazoned upon the seat of supreme intelligence, pushing their black metal even further into the realm of the ecstatic and ancestral.

Sanguine Eagle are proud luminaries of the House of First Light.
This is black metal as spiritual war.