Tribal Gaze - The Nine Choirs (Purple Vinyl)


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"...there’ll be no denying that for such a new, still pretty green hardcore influenced death metal band Tribal Gaze have found a reasonable balance between late 90’s death metal downtuned-to-Hell sledge-tones and the heavier side of that same era of popular metallic hardcore (‘Breed the Killers‘, ‘For Those Who Were Crucified‘) at least in terms of aiming for thicker, overdriven guitar tones in presentation of their knotted, loosely repetitive groove-and-creep riffcraft. Their influences likely line up closer with the modern death metal cave troll trend of late which for most bands means setting generic slow to mid-paced brutal death metal rhythms up for success with a ‘Nightmare Logic‘ production value. The catch is that these guys have riffs, sound like an actual death metal band and make good use of the tension which chug-core brings to ‘old school’ death rhythmic influences. It is entertaining stuff for the most part and ends up being worth repeating even if it isn’t bringing anything all that new or insightful to slow-kicked mosh metallic death." Grizzlybutts-