
我們將這張錄音帶到了「人們」享受「音樂」的各個戶外場所,並為他們播放了這張專輯。在沒有提示的情況下,以下是我們被吐槽的一些亮點:「激烈的中速噪音。 I love it!”—guy wearing a Rudimentary Peni shirt “Unfriendly.”—mother of two “Misanthropic.”—foodeater “Sounds like these guys have hopeless lives.”—frisbee golfer “If the Dead are a friend's couch and Metallica are a room at the Waldorf, then Retirement is a concrete mattress.”—professor of media studies “There is so much dirt in this city.”—anonymous portable bathroom chatter “Is 'nihilism' a music genre now?”—comedy show barker "龐克?不用了,謝謝。」——三個孩子的母親 包含歌詞插入。凱文·珀塞爾錄製。由羅恩·劉易斯混音。由威爾·基林斯沃斯掌握。攝影:Evan Soto,設計:Shea Hardacre。