Spazz - Crush Kill Destroy (Tape)


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Do you like your songs very loud, very fast and very short? Bay Area, Ca powerviolence dudes bring it. 

We <3 Spazz

01. Zodiak

02. Snowcone Ribplate
03. Cool Guy
04. Dwarf Goober Milita
05. Lets Fucking Go!!!!!
06. The Complete & Utter Eradication of All Genaric Pop-Punk (Extended Version)
07. Sword of the Lord
08. A Legend in You Own Mind
09. Street Jam to the Second Power
10. Hort
11. Black'N'Decker Crusty Wrecker
12. Bobby Dee in the Hour of Chaos
13. Gary Monardo's Record Vault Shirt
14. Not Even Phased
15. Campaign For Emo Destruction
16. Hardcore Before Mark McCoy Was Emo Semen
17. Sluta
19. Hoarder
20. Now 50% More Pants-Shitting
21. Let The Beating Commence
22. Chris Pooped at the Skatepark
23. Jeb for Ruler of the (Formerly) Free World
24. Staayyyyle
25. Crush Kill Destroy